Living in fear? Walking on eggshells?
You are not alone
We support adults, young people and children affected by Domestic Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham.
Make the first step if you’re struggling with your relationship, get in touch…
We support all people regardless of gender, age, sexuality, background, (dis-)ability or religion.
Please note Hopian (formerly Rotherham Rise) operates Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm, if you need support outside of that, contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 200 0247 (freephone 24/7) or if you are in immediate danger call 999.
Our Impact
data from Oct ’22 – Jun ’23
The Facts
Domestic Abuse Can Affect Anyone
Regardless of age, ethnicity, sexuality, (dis) ability, gender, or socio-economic status …
Relationships are complex
Everyone’s situation and relationship are different, but we all deserve a relationship where we are respected.
Domestic Abuse comes in many different forms
Domestic abuse is not just physical violence, it can be coercive control, financial abuse, to emotional abuse; or even a combination – all are traumatic and a crime.
You’re worthy of support
You are not alone, and you are worthy to get support, to have someone who believes and listens to you so you can make informed decisions.
Case Studies
Learn a bit more about the people we have supported after they were affected by domestic Abuse or Child Sexual Exploitation.
- Case Study: No Longer ScaredThe challenges have been enormous for those locked in at home due to Covid-19 restrictions.… Read More »Case Study: No Longer Scared
- Case Study: It was NOT my fault.. finally, I can say it and mean it!Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a loaded topic, but for us to avoid speaking about… Read More »Case Study: It was NOT my fault.. finally, I can say it and mean it!
- Case Study: OliverOliver is 15 years old. Oliver witnessed the domestic abuse his mother suffered a number… Read More »Case Study: Oliver
- Case Study: LynnLearn how we make a real difference in people’s lives with a case study, like… Read More »Case Study: Lynn
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