It is normal to have lots of questions once you have summoned the courage to seek support for your relationship, and we understand you may want to know a little more before getting in touch with us.
Questions you might have if you need support
We are guided by you and decide with you how best to support you. This might be a combination of our services. We have refuge accommodation for single adults and families. We also offer counselling, group work, and self-development classes to give you the tools to make informed decisions about your life. Read about the services we offer here.
Yes, we support all adults, young people and children and have expertise in the additional issues and barriers that might arise from being or having been in an LGBTQ+ relationship.
Yes, we support all adults, young people and children, regardless of gender.
Yes, our support workers and staff can speak multiple languages – so please let that not be a barrier to contacting us.
No, you do not need to be referred you can contact us yourself if you prefer.
Yes, abuse comes in many forms; domestic violence/abuse is not just about hitting, pushing or punching another person. If you live in fear or feel you are walking on eggshells then do contact us for advice. We will not force you to leave, we will advise you so you are able to make an informed decision or opinion yourself.
If you want to leave or are considering leaving contact us for advice, we can support and signpost you to get support for your immigration status – do not let that be a barrier.
Your safety is paramount, we will arrange with you how and when to contact you. We have various ways you can contact us, please click here.
Questions you might have if you are concerned about someone else
Yes, we can advise you, but unfortunately, there is not much more we can do. That said, please have a look at our Resources page. You will find articles on how to be a Lifeline to a Loved One and information about Clare’s Law.
Often, the only thing you want to say is or what you, endlessly, hear is “just leave”… it is unfortunately just not that simple. It is essential to understand that when someone finds themselves in such a relationship, the abused might not even recognise that. Do have a read of “Why leaving is hard” – click here.
Questions about Hopian
Yes, we offer a great range of Volunteering Opportunities; why not check out our Volunteering page or consider a Voluntary position such as Becoming a Trustee of Hopian.
Please note: We can only provide volunteering opportunities to people over 16 years of age.
We do consider, from time to time, student counsellors and student social workers.
Unfortunately, we receive many requests for research, and currently, we do not have the means to support students’ research.